Les parfums de Grasse


If you enjoy French perfume “parfum”, then you have to check out the city of Grasse, still in the Provence region, close to Nice and Cannes. Grasse has been “la ville des parfums” literally “the city of Perfumes” since the 17th Century with some of the most famous French “parfumeries” like Fragonard, Molinard and Galinard.

And the good news is: you can visit them and buy your “parfum” directly from them!


You will find more information on the following links (you can select your language):

Parfumerie Molinard:


Parfumerie Galimard:


Parfumerie Fragonard:


And “le musée international de la parfumerie” the international perfume museum:



When visiting Grasse, do not miss the cathedral in the “vieille ville” (literally “old town”) , you’ll be amazed by its beautiful paintings some by Rubens and Fragonard:


If you want to learn more about art and history in the Provence region, then I highly recommend that you visit this museum: https://tourisme.paysdegrasse.fr/fr/node/144

And if you are interested in historical fashion, traditional costumes and jewels, do not miss this museum: https://tourisme.paysdegrasse.fr/fr/node/147


And if you want to escape the city and the beach and need to relax or go for a gentle hike « une randonnée », then you cannot miss the “parc naturel des Préalpes d’Azur”. It is a natural reserve where you can enjoy a beautiful nature:



Have a beautiful week and see you next week, and do not forget to check the audio I’ve prepared for you. Enjoy!Parfums Grasse



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